Wednesday, August 3, 2011

So Where Were We? (AKA: I last wrote in SEPTEMBER????)

This is going to be harder than I imagined.  I am trying to go back through time and remember what all has happened and what you people would care about....  Hang with me, some of it MAY be interesting.

When last we left off I believe my sister and nephew had just come to town to approve of my new living arrangements.

I moved to Seattle the end of July last year.  My first introduction to the city was the Seafair Torchlight Parade.  It draws like 300,000 people downtown to watch all the festivities.  Anyway, we just passed my one year anniversary here in town!  I know, because I just saw my 2nd Seafair Torchlight Parade.  These are the pictures to prove it:

After Seafair, my family came to town to visit.  My sister Anne and nephew Cody were here for a few days and we did all the usual crap.  I guess.  Its been a really long time so its hard for me to remember.   I know we rode a ferry over to Bremerton:

It was a surprise trip for them to see our long lost cousin from Delta, Colorado who now lives out on the Washington coast.  My cousin Melanie is 9 years older than me, and its been a LOOOOOOOONG time since my sister had seen her.  So long in fact, she had no idea who the strange local woman was following us all over the casino parking lot!

Nice melons!

We had a nice afternoon with Melanie and then headed back to Seattle via the capitol down in Olympia. On the way back I introduced them to a Northwest favorite... The Taco Truck!!

We did your usual tourist things while they were in town, but sadly I had to work that weekend at KING so they did a lot of exploring on their own.  They seemed to love the city and decided that they would be moving in with me and the cat posthaste.  So far, they havent followed thru on their threat!

After that, I left for Alaska...  I will make that its own post.  Not that a soul is even reading this crap.


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